【英文檢定情資】TOEIC 聽力分享 Part2-All Pass English 一對一線上家教-線上英文課程,線上英文推薦

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【英文檢定情資】TOEIC 聽力分享 Part2

【英文檢定情資】TOEIC 聽力分享 Part2

【英文檢定情資】TOEIC 聽力分享<注意同義字>



W: I understand that you have typewriter ribbons on sale. I need to buy ten black ones for a model C12 typewriter.

M: Yes, they are on sale, but I’m afraid I only have half a dozen left in inventory.

W: I’ll take those for now, but I’ll be sure to come back next week to see if you have restocked.

Q: How many ribbons does the woman buy?

(A)10 (B)12 (C)6 (D)4

這就是一個陷阱題,選項中的數目字都曾在對話中被講到,不小心就容易選錯,正確答案是用同義字的C,我們必須知道half a dozen是半打,也就是6個,才有辦法選出來。


a dozen = 12
a half dozen = 6
12:00 am = midnight
12:00 pm = noon
30 minutes = half an hour

週一到週五 = weekdays
週六、週日 = the weekend
3 months = a quarter
January = the beginning of the year
December = the end of the year

講到in an hour的時候不要直接就選一個小時,有時是對話裡講到的某個時間點再加上一個小時才是正確答案。Ex: in half an hour

以上這些小細節都要注意哦!魔鬼藏在細節中,下次還有一些聽力技巧分享,可以先加入All Pass English粉絲團並設定“追蹤”,就可以第一手掌握最hot的考情情資囉!

● 英文檢定學習有訣竅
● One on One真人英文家教班
● 聯合國就在你家
● 點選預約試聽,立即體驗免費課程!!


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